home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 1 poke53280,254:poke53281,251
- 2 gosub 6000
- 9 print"[147]";
- 10 print"";chr$(142):poke53280,2:poke53281,0
- 20 print" ";
- 21 print" [209][209][209][209] [209][209][209][209][209] [209][209][209][209] [209][209][209][209][209][209] ";
- 22 print" [209][209] [209][209] [209][209] [209][209] [209][209] [209][209] [209][209] ";
- 23 print" [209][209] [209][209] [209][209] [209][209] [209][209] [209][209] ";
- 24 print" [209][209][209][209] [209][209][209][209][209] [209][209] [209][209] [209][209] ";
- 25 print" [209][209] [209][209] [209][209] [209][209] [209][209] ";
- 26 print" [209][209] [209][209] [209][209] [209][209] [209][209] [209][209] ";
- 27 print" [209][209][209][209] [209][209] [209][209][209][209] [209][209] ";
- 28 print" ";
- 30 print" [146] ";
- 31 print" [146] [209][209][209][209] [209][209] [209][209] [209][209][209][209] [209][209][209][209][209][209] ";
- 32 print" [146] [209][209] [209][209] [209][209] [209][209] [209][209] [209][209] [209][209] ";
- 33 print" [146] [209][209] [209][209] [209][209] [209][209] [209][209] [209][209] ";
- 34 print" [146] [209][209][209][209] [209][209][209][209][209][209] [209][209] [209][209] [209][209] ";
- 35 print" [146] [209][209] [209][209] [209][209] [209][209] [209][209] [209][209] ";
- 36 print" [146] [209][209] [209][209] [209][209] [209][209] [209][209] [209][209] [209][209] ";
- 37 print" [146] [209][209][209][209] [209][209] [209][209] [209][209][209][209] [209][209] ";
- 38 print" [146] ";
- 39 print" [146]";
- 42 print"[158]please enter the time limit in the range of (0001 to 9999) [146] :";
- 43 print" [157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157]";
- 45 a$="":print"[164]";:z=0:forx=1to5
- 46 getb$:ifb$=""then46
- 47 ifb$=chr$(20)andx>1thenx=x-1:printb$;:a$=left$(a$,x-1):print"[157][164]";:goto46
- 48 ifb$=chr$(20)then46
- 49 ifb$=chr$(13)theni=val(a$):print :goto90
- 50 ifb$<"0"orb$>"9"then46
- 51 ifx>4 then 46
- 52 a$=a$+b$:print"[157]"b$"[164]";:next
- 90 ifi>0 then100
- 91 print"[145] do you wish to quit? (y/n) "
- 92 geta$:ifa$=""then92
- 93 ifa$="y"ora$="[217]"then680
- 94 ifa$="n"ora$="[206]"thenprint"[145][145]";:goto42
- 95 goto 92
- 100 print"[147]"," please wait...";:forc=55296 to 56295:pokec,2:nextc
- 101 print"[147]";
- 102 uu=0:poke53280,2:poke53281,15
- 105 n=peek(53278):nn=peek(53279)
- 110 tp$="[144]"
- 120 t$="[144]time= [157][157][157][157][157][157][157]":s$="score="
- 130 f$="spot shot"
- 140 c$="blue=100 yellow=75 green=50 red=25"
- 400 forg=0to2:print"[144] ";:nextg
- 410 printf$;t$;uu;tp$;s$;uu;c$
- 490 print" press space to exit ";:qq=2
- 500 b=2024:t=1183:l=int(rnd(1)*(839)+1184)
- 502 c=81:v=53248:s=54272:gosub900:w=1
- 505 poke49695,0:poke49700,192:sys49693
- 510 form=ito0step-1:x=int(rnd(1)*(4)+1)
- 520 ifx=1then if(l+1)<bthenpokel+1,c:pokel,32:l=l+1:goto710
- 530 ifx=2then if(l-1)>tthenpokel-1,c:pokel,32:l=l-1:goto710
- 540 ifx=3then if(l+40)<bthenpokel+40,c:pokel,32:l=l+40:goto710
- 550 ifx=4then if(l-40)>tthenpokel-40,c:pokel,32:l=l-40:goto710
- 590 goto 710
- 600 print"[147]":poke49695,49:poke49700,234:sys49693:pokev+21,0
- 610 fora=stos+24:pokea,0:nexta
- 620 print"your score is ";uu:
- 630 print"[183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183]"
- 640 print" do you wish to play again ? (y/n)"
- 650 getha$:ifha$=""then650
- 660 ifha$="y"thenrestore:clr:goto10
- 661 ifha$="n"then670
- 662 goto 650
- 670 print"[145] do you wish to quit? (y/n) "
- 671 geta$:ifa$=""then671
- 672 ifa$="n"ora$="[206]"thenprint"[145]";:goto640
- 674 ifa$="y"ora$="[217]"then 680
- 675 goto 671
- 680 open15,8,15,"r0:hello connect=hello connect":input#15,er:close15
- 681 ifer<>63 then print"[147]":end
- 682 load"hello connect",8,1
- 684 end
- 700 rem
- 710 ifw=1thenpokep,190:pokep+1,190:pokep+2,190:pokep+3,190:w=2:goto750
- 720 ifw=2thenpokep,191:pokep+1,191:pokep+2,191:pokep+3,191:w=3:goto750
- 730 ifw=3thenpokep,192:pokep+1,192:pokep+2,192:pokep+3,192:w=4:goto750
- 740 ifw=4thenpokep,193:pokep+1,193:pokep+2,193:pokep+3,193:w=1:goto750
- 750 ifab=1thenpokes+11,17:ab=0:goto757
- 755 pokes+11,16:ab=1
- 757 ifpeek(1020)>0thenpokes+4,33:goto760
- 758 pokes+4,32
- 759 geta$:ifa$=" "then m=0
- 760 if peek(2) > 0 then poke2,0:pokel,32:goto 765
- 761 pr=peek(787)
- 762 ifpr>0then:poke782,pr:sys49706:poke787,0:poke53280,pr:qq=pr
- 763 goto 795
- 765 ifqq=6thenuu=uu+100
- 766 ifqq=7thenuu=uu+75
- 767 ifqq=5thenuu=uu+50
- 768 ifqq=2thenuu=uu+25
- 770 printtp$;s$;uu;
- 790 l=int(rnd(1)*(839)+1184)
- 795 printt$;m;:nextm:goto600
- 900 :
- 905 :
- 960 fora=stos+24:pokea,0:nexta:pokes+24,15
- 965 pokes,250:pokes+1,3:pokes+4,32:pokes+6,240:pokes+7,55:pokes+8,39
- 970 pokes+13,128
- 975 p=2040:pokep,192:pokep+1,193:pokep+2,192:pokep+3,193:pokep+7,198
- 976 pokep+4,194:pokev+39,6:pokev+40,7:pokev+41,5:pokev+42,2:pokev+46,1
- 977 pokev+28,16:pokev+37,1:pokev+38,2
- 978 pokev,75:pokev+1,110:pokev+2,245:pokev+3,110:pokev+4,75:pokev+5,185
- 979 pokev+6,245:pokev+7,185:pokev+8,170:pokev+9,229:pokev+21,31
- 980 pokev+29,15:pokev+23,15
- 990 return
- 6000 ifa>0 then 6015
- 6010 print"[147]"
- 6015 print""
- 6020 print
- 6030 print" [158]L O A D S T A R"
- 6040 print" [155][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163]"
- 6050 print
- 6060 print" [153]Presents"
- 6070 print
- 6080 print
- 6090 print" S P O T S H O T"
- 6100 print
- 6110 print
- 6120 print
- 6130 print" [159]Written By"
- 6140 print
- 6150 print" Thomas Hayes"
- 6160 print
- 6170 print
- 6180 print
- 6190 print
- 6200 print" [150]COPYRIGHT 1987"
- 6210 print
- 6220 print" [158][204]oading ... [208]lease [215]ait
- 6221 [139]a[178]0[167]a[178]1:[147]"data1",8,1
- 6222 [139]a[178]1[167]a[178]2:[147]"data2",8,1
- 6230 [153]"on (NULL)ress print(NULL)(NULL)atnlenval (NULL)o lenontinue "
- 6240 [153]
- 6250 [153]"";
- 6255 [161]a$:[139]a$[179][177]" "[167]6255
- 6256 [142]